“When we are foiled, let us believe we shall overcome; when we have fallen, let us believe we shall rise again. Jacob, after he received a blow which made him lame, yet would not give over wrestling (Gen. 32:25) till he had obtained the blessing. So let us never give up, but, in our thoughts knit the beginning, progress and end together, and then we shall see ourselves in heaven out of the reach of all enemies.” – Richard Sibbes
September 30, 2010
This Too Shall Pass, So Persevere!
September 29, 2010
John Piper’s First Graphic Novel
Being an avid fan of the graphic novel genre, I find combining both Piper – who has equipped, and encouraged me abundantly in my Christian walk – and the upcoming release of “The Gadarene” would prove to be something I won’t be missing out!
September 28, 2010
God, Became Man
“Why art thou proud, O man? God for thee became low. Thou wouldst perhaps be ashamed to initiate a lowly man… He, since He was God, became man: do thou, O man, recognize that thou art [emphasis mine] man. Thy entire humility is to know thyself.” – St. Augustine of Hippo
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8 ESV)
September 2, 2010
The Only Sufficient Motive For Evangelism
“Love for God is the only sufficient motive for evangelism. Self-love will give away to self-centeredness; love for the lost will fail with those whom we cannot love, and when difficulties seem insurmountable, only a deep love for God will keep us following his way, declaring his Gospel, when human resources fail. Only our love for God –and, more important, his love for us—will keep us from the dangers which beset us. When the desire for popularity with men, or for success in human terms, tempts us to water down the Gospel, to make it palatable, then only if we love God will we stand fast by his truth and his ways.”
- John Cheeseman (The Grace of God in the Gospel)